So you have to write a speech or talking points for an engagement. Your commander has an idea of what he wants to say. He’s going to say it in his own voice. This doesn’t mean you don’t try.
I’m a great speech writer. I mean, like my shit is magic. Yet, very few times has my commander ever used more than 50% of my actual text. He’s used ideas, he’s used excerpts but very rarely has he ever used full major portions.
The same will likely be true for you. You still owe him or her your best. You owe your commander Something to Puke On.
Here is what you do –
– Ask him if he has an idea or topic.
– Don’t schedule a meeting, if he needs to have a meeting with you, why not just write it himself. Ask him in the hallway or something.
– Ask someone close to the subject. If its a family speech, ask the family group leader. If its for garbage, ask the chaplain.
– Since you are in touch with what your organization is doing, you generally know what the thing should say.
– Write it and know your commander will change it. You served your purpose, you gave him something to puke on.