What message are you sending when someone wants to call you, they search for your number via Outlook email, and they cannot find your phone number because you sign your emails “Thanks! v/r Capt C”? (HINT: Not a very good one.)
There are already people in your command who think they can do your job, PAO. If someone needs you, do not make it hard for them to contact you.
Programs like Outlook are great and will automatically put your signature block in your emails. Technology is crazy helpful.
We are in the bidness of communicating. Communicate that you want others to communicate with you. Let them know how to contact you. Use a signature block. It’s that simple.
We give our new members a mandate to use signature blocks: “Make it easy for others to find you. You want people to call you back, not e-mail you back, so make sure they know your phone number. Don’t expend precious space and credibility on quotes, fonts and colors.”
Photo by Staff Sgt. Leah Kilpatrick