There’s a bungee cord sitting between your organization and your commander’s end state.
Keep following it, and eventually you’ll get there.
Along the way, things will pull the bungee cord in different directions. Distractions, confusion, competing agendas, missteps, and legitimate crises will all come up.
These things will make your journey along the bungee cord messy, and much less comfortable, but when all is said and done you will probably reach your end state.
We Public Affairs Officers can tighten the slack on that bungee cord. Correct, clear and clean communication will keep your organization from getting pulled too far off course in the first place, and then easily snap back to its main course.
We can inspire organizational resiliency with the way we communicate through crises, synchronize our talking points for important partners, and build internal culture and awareness.
Things are going tug on your organization’s bungee cord. The key is not to hope those things don’t come around … it’s the way you directly communicate through those things in order to refocus on your mission.
(Photo by Staff Sgt. Patrick Evenson, DVIDS)