Everyone likes quality, it’s why they call it quality.
You and your team are the quality communicators for your organization … or at least you should be.
Easier said than done, I know. But you can get to a level of quality through reading, reflection and passion.
When you’re truly cooking with Crisco, people from your organization come to you because they have to give a talk to their kid’s school. People in your organization know you add quality to everything communication. Your members come by before a job interview. People come by before they need to get the boss to make a decision. A stupid sign? Sure, we might help you as long as it aligns with the message. Your spouse’s business communication plan? Ok, I might help on my “off” time.
You have a choice. You can say you’re so busy. You probably are. Are you doing the right things though? I see a lot of PAOs on social media and otherwise say they are so busy, why don’t we give it a break for a while?
You have a choice. You can be the quality communicator in your organization. People can come by, grab a cup of coffee and get some quality communication advice.
After all, most of what we do is common sense. The challenge is convincing others of the same.
Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Corey Dennis