From time to time, I run into PAOs desperate to “add value” to their organization. Sometimes, their unit is changing and the PAO is trying to keep
From time to time, I run into PAOs desperate to “add value” to their organization. Sometimes, their unit is changing and the PAO is trying to keep
Sometimes, people passing me during a run will call out a polite, “On your left,” before they go by. Smart word choice, right? Just enough words to
Remember we wrote about our friend, the JAG? Consider this a sequel, to impart a long-time friend and mentor’s leader advice. Our staff judge advocate has this
GoodmorningSir. I’manempoweredbadge-wearingmemberofyourorganization. I’mnowgoingtoreadyousomewordsfromapieceofpaper. ThisisabriefIwastoldtogivethismorning. ThisscriptwasreviewedseveraltimesbyvariousstaffleaderssoIamnotgoingtodeviatefromit. Blahblahblahblahblahblahblah. IonlywrotelikethirtyperentofthecontentI’mbriefingrightnow. Theyremovedsomeofthemostimportantinformationfrommyscriptbecauseweweren’tsureiftheG2hadseenthatinformationyet, oriftheyagreedwithmyassessment. Wedon’twantyoutoknowtwoprofessionalstaffelementscouldpotentiallyhavedifferentperspectivesonacomplicatedtopic. Blahblahblahblahblahblah. Thisscriptwasapproved24hoursagosomostoftheinformationisoutofdate. Blahblahblahblah. Areyoulistening? It’shardtotellbecauseIdon’twanttotakemyeyesofmyscript. Blahblah. MaybeI’llsneakonepeek. Itlookslikeyou’rejusttalkingtotheCommandSergeantMajoratthefronttablewhileI’mbriefing. Maybethat’sforthebest. NowIcanjustgetthroughthisfasterandhopefullyyouwon’thaveanyquestions. Mysupervisorsdidn’ttellmewhattodoifyouaskanyquestionsorwanttohaveadiscussion. Thatisn’tinmyscript. Thiscould’vebeenane-mail. Blahblahblah. Pendingyourquestions. (Photo by
“We offer our thoughts and prayers.” “Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.” “They have our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.” “Our
You know we love Seth’s Blog around here. Earlier today, he wrote this. Apply this to our work, for our government, to protect America. When there’s no
When does your organization engage the media? When do you publish a press release? When do you hold a news conference or invite the media to your
‘”Well, Sir, the Public Affairs Office is short-staffed right now so I don’t think we’ll be able to support that request.” Gross. Nobody wants to work with
This guest post comes from one of our dedicated readers, Chase Spears, with a different take on a topic we’ve covered before. We created MaxDisclosure because we