If you’re not careful, it’s easy to fall into the HHC Public Affairs trap. You work in the same building as them, and you run into their
If you’re not careful, it’s easy to fall into the HHC Public Affairs trap. You work in the same building as them, and you run into their
While your statement is tied up in bureaucratic staff buffoonery, your higher headquarters is writing a statement that lacks your operational context and commander’s guidance. Meanwhile, savvy
Comrade, A wise man once told me, “Making dinner every night doesn’t make you a chef.” As the saying goes, reading the newspaper doesn’t make you
This post is going to sound obvious but unfortunately it needs to be written: comment on the obvious. We can get pretty wrapped around the exact words
Command messages … eh. OK. We all learn that in DINFOS, right? Let’s step it up a notch; enter the concept of Forever Lines. You’ll remember
Not me. Frankly no one gives a shit whether your article has been edited. I know they teach this at DINFOS and I agree PAOs should
We owe you. We don’t suck and you have the ability to suck less than us. Actually we are pretty great and you can be better than
“Please let me know if you’ll require talking points for this operation.” “That’s really a question for the service/COCOM/DOD-level PAOs to decide how to answer.” “Do you
In our office we have a whiteboard with the words, “Must Haves” written quickly across the top. When we get close to an event the person responsible