Live or virtually, 2020’s summer will bring changes of command, retirements, goings away, and team get togethers all the same. Your organizations’ speakers are going to need your guidance. Here’s

Live or virtually, 2020’s summer will bring changes of command, retirements, goings away, and team get togethers all the same. Your organizations’ speakers are going to need your guidance. Here’s
A lot of PAOs are thinking about, and communicating about, COVID-19. I guess we are, too. A smart British communication pro recently talked to me about the difference between a
Let’s talk about how the right amount of background and context can make or break your communication. My kid’s school letter is Q this week. Last night, we observed that
I recently watched a talented friend and communicator give a briefing on content he knew really well. He was engaging, and had interesting stories to tell, too. But he used
This is a true but sad story. My wife was going to be home later than me. She started dinner but wasn’t able to finish. Some mixture of pinto beans
When I’m preparing a new team member for a deployment, I like to focus on mission. I’ll talk about the organization, our relationships, and the products they’ll write all day,
I am an unapologetic fan of the Marvel movies. Remember the first one with Captain America? He became a jacked super soldier when a scientist injected him with a super
“How did I do?” -I’m not going to talk about how you did. Let’s talk about what you’ll do next time. Feedback sucks. Positive or negative, it serves no purpose.
Ever get that sense that your organization is sick of hearing from you? Pay attention to this feeling. Your leaders’ publicaffairsometer might be getting full. I love talking about news
Before modern social media, my college fraternity shared a group e-mail listserv, for planning and buffoonery. If you wrote more than three lines, you‘d be shamed. Nobody wanted to read