Years ago, MaxDis posted this classic, “Copy Editing, Who Gives a Shit?” I do. I give a shit. Your organization is professional. Your organization pays attention to detail. Your organization

Years ago, MaxDis posted this classic, “Copy Editing, Who Gives a Shit?” I do. I give a shit. Your organization is professional. Your organization pays attention to detail. Your organization
We gave you our best reasons why your organization’s social media (like all things) must match your command team’s tone. This last post was light on “how,” so here’s our
What’s movement without a purpose? When my organization moves, it’s for a purpose. I bet yours does, too. It’s probably easy for you to read this, sip your coffee and
First, refresh on our first and second installment: Move with a purpose. Aggressively have your shit in order. Don’t bitch about coffee, just buy it and make it. Never look
Guest post by Ace Castle. This is the second installment in the more than one article series that will tell you about my experience these past two years as a
True information was leaked and damages your mission. Untrue information was leaked and damages your credibility, and your mission. You lose hours of the workweek on a simple supply purchase
Anyone ever tell you we can do whatever we want? We do. We used our Public Affairs “budget” (really, our organization’s budget) to build bus stop shelters because we could,
You can’t ask a reporter to hold a story if you’re not willing to have a conversation about context. You can’t put your commander on camera if you’re not going
Nobody on earth wants to hear about the problems you’ve identified. You don’t get points for finding problems without fixing them. Why are you talking about problems instead of solving