In this fifth and final chapter of the “How a Coast Guard pilot quickly became a PAO” series, I will talk about experience. So far, we have discussed the importance

In this fifth and final chapter of the “How a Coast Guard pilot quickly became a PAO” series, I will talk about experience. So far, we have discussed the importance
Everyone wants to be good. Everyone is the hero of their own story. You’re not as good as you can be, and being better is up to you. Accept this.
As a public affairs officer you have the responsibility to read and understand the information environment, here are the things you should scan daily. Since you’ll find interest while scanning
As public affairs people, we have to do some study beyond DINFOS if you want to truly contribute to the mission. If you don’t you’ll be irrelevant and tweet a
Military communicators should read. If you read and explore your organizations can depend on you as a communications expert. Public affairs officers who don’t expand their skills beyond DINFOS complain