Y’all started a great discussion after our post about PAO positions at the brigade level. Lots of competing ideas, all coming from the right places. What’s the right answer? I

Y’all started a great discussion after our post about PAO positions at the brigade level. Lots of competing ideas, all coming from the right places. What’s the right answer? I
What’s movement without a purpose? When my organization moves, it’s for a purpose. I bet yours does, too. It’s probably easy for you to read this, sip your coffee and
First, refresh on our first and second installment: Move with a purpose. Aggressively have your shit in order. Don’t bitch about coffee, just buy it and make it. Never look
Let me know if this cycle sounds familiar: Spend money on food. Don’t use the food. The food expires. Throw the food away. Let’s try to think of our interactions
No matter your position or section within the military: if you are dealing in the realm of legal things in an official capacity, your Staff Judge Advocate will be part
“Oh I’m just chippin’ away at my inbox.” – A dumbass. “Time for me to read all the news!” – Another dumbass. There are words everywhere. They are essentially all
I’ve been thinking about the way our community handles crisis communication. Is it just me, or do PAOs get real nervous, and drop into “no comment” mode, when bad things
We’re America. We say things we mean. We say things we can stand by in crisis. Can we afford to stake our credibility on the actions of people we cannot
Time is our only limited resource. No matter how much we need more, no matter how much we can justify it, we aren’t going to get more time. By this
Congrats! You’re getting promoted, moving up the chain, maybe taking on a Public Affairs assignment at the Division or Corps staff (or higher). Sure, you’re further away from the action