Not so long ago I was working with my boss, the commander, on a few communication techniques I thought it would make him, and therefore our organization, more effective. He

Not so long ago I was working with my boss, the commander, on a few communication techniques I thought it would make him, and therefore our organization, more effective. He
“Some people will tell you that slow is good – and it may be, on some days – but I am here to tell you that fast is better.” –
Time is our only limited resource. I’ve had a few jobs where we were consistently pressed for time. At a national command, even during 24 hours per day, 7 day
Giving personal advice is important. I was lucky enough to be part of a unit where the staff not only supported the command’s mission, but also supported its members and
Here’s a hard truth: your fellow staff leaders aren’t sure the PAO can have a lasting impact. Maybe communication initiatives are too hard to coordinate, or maybe no one wants
“Oh I’m just chippin’ away at my inbox.” – A dumbass. “Time for me to read all the news!” – Another dumbass. There are words everywhere. They are essentially all
Time is our only limited resource. I make sure my time is spent wisely. I’m lucky enough to have a team that doesn’t need a lot of my time. I
I joined my current organization as the Deputy PAO almost three years ago. Since we shared one calendar to rule them all, I could tell one meeting was noticeably absent:
Everyone likes quality, it’s why they call it quality. You and your team are the quality communicators for your organization … or at least you should be.Easier said than done,
As you know, time is our only limited resource. As PAOs, it’s also one of the most important things we have to give this nation. To start, some facts: PAOs