You can’t ask a reporter to hold a story if you’re not willing to have a conversation about context. You can’t put your commander on camera if you’re not going
You can’t ask a reporter to hold a story if you’re not willing to have a conversation about context. You can’t put your commander on camera if you’re not going
We’ve made it. A journalist asked a question. The journalist has enough interest in our topic that he or she e-mailed us. Once you respond they are likely going to
Who is the organization’s PAO? a. A PAQC graduate. b. The person given the assignment by Branch. c. The dude sitting in the PAO office. d. He or she who
Several years ago as a young PAO, I had some very specific and wild thoughts on how our higher headquarters should respond to a reporter’s query. I spouted off my
Remember SAPP? Security, Accuracy, Propriety and Policy? The Accuracy part is based on the facts … seem obvious? In practice, people sometimes lose sight of this. This is about the
Sixty percent of leadership is asking the right questions. When you ask the right questions, you use your experience and responsibility to guide others into solving problems themselves. I learned
We’ve talked about your products being correct, clear and clean. Let’s dig in to that last one. I’m biased toward design because I worked with graphics and layout before I
In If Only, I hope we touched a nerve with our line about firing poor performers. In Styles Vary, Quality Doesn’t, I shared the three qualities that will earn someone
It is good to be humble. It is good for your audiences to know when your organization is right and good. When your organization isn’t as perfect as the public