Use this story about perceptions and relevancy to think about the way you tell your team’s story inside the organization. I worked with a big staff section that had a

Use this story about perceptions and relevancy to think about the way you tell your team’s story inside the organization. I worked with a big staff section that had a
No matter your position or section within the military: if you are dealing in the realm of legal things in an official capacity, your Staff Judge Advocate will be part
Remember the light bulb? If you don’t, you should read it because it’s important to this story. There are even bigger lightbulbs to worry about. Your boss should listen to
that has in order to but stated should illuminate utilize waiting fidelity good news story nested preheat level the bubbles dovetail kabuki dance (Photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Joshua
As kids, if we were going to be out of place, we needed a hall pass or permission slip — something to validate and explain our actions. “I am in
GoodmorningSir. I’manempoweredbadge-wearingmemberofyourorganization. I’mnowgoingtoreadyousomewordsfromapieceofpaper. ThisisabriefIwastoldtogivethismorning. ThisscriptwasreviewedseveraltimesbyvariousstaffleaderssoIamnotgoingtodeviatefromit. Blahblahblahblahblahblahblah. IonlywrotelikethirtyperentofthecontentI’mbriefingrightnow. Theyremovedsomeofthemostimportantinformationfrommyscriptbecauseweweren’tsureiftheG2hadseenthatinformationyet, oriftheyagreedwithmyassessment. Wedon’twantyoutoknowtwoprofessionalstaffelementscouldpotentiallyhavedifferentperspectivesonacomplicatedtopic. Blahblahblahblahblahblah. Thisscriptwasapproved24hoursagosomostoftheinformationisoutofdate. Blahblahblahblah. Areyoulistening? It’shardtotellbecauseIdon’twanttotakemyeyesofmyscript. Blahblah. MaybeI’llsneakonepeek. Itlookslikeyou’rejusttalkingtotheCommandSergeantMajoratthefronttablewhileI’mbriefing. Maybethat’sforthebest. NowIcanjustgetthroughthisfasterandhopefullyyouwon’thaveanyquestions. Mysupervisorsdidn’ttellmewhattodoifyouaskanyquestionsorwanttohaveadiscussion. Thatisn’tinmyscript. Thiscould’vebeenane-mail. Blahblahblah. Pendingyourquestions. (Photo by Pfc. Andrew Valenza,
Several years ago as a young PAO, I volunteered to help escort and support reporters during one of our higher headquarters’ big annual conferences, which included a multinational military capabilities
Several years ago as a young PAO, I had some very specific and wild thoughts on how our higher headquarters should respond to a reporter’s query. I spouted off my
We talk often about knowing your command’s communication needs. We circle the topic here, here and here – like it ought to be second nature for you. Yep, it is
I was listening to a discussion the other day and someone chimed in with kind of a geeky, weak and puny voice. I looked up to find he was of