We all love the Information Bus. It rolls down Understanding Highway at a healthy speed, plowing through yellow lights along the way. Hop aboard! We want our friends and partners

We all love the Information Bus. It rolls down Understanding Highway at a healthy speed, plowing through yellow lights along the way. Hop aboard! We want our friends and partners
I joined my current organization as the Deputy PAO almost three years ago. Since we shared one calendar to rule them all, I could tell one meeting was noticeably absent:
Maybe it’s not as serious as the title. The question is, as the public communicator, do you want to know? Do you need to know about the secret plan to
“This document is so Public Affairsy! … No, no, I don’t mean any offense. It just doesn’t help me!” – A respected colleague’s exclamation, in the JOC, while researching information
My office believes in “need-to-know” information. As in, everybody needs to know everything. Here’s how we do it. Set a group distribution list and use it for everything. When staff