By Col. Myles B. Caggins III Volume 1 (Mostly oriented toward homestation) What has been will be again,what has been done will be done again;there is nothing new under the

By Col. Myles B. Caggins III Volume 1 (Mostly oriented toward homestation) What has been will be again,what has been done will be done again;there is nothing new under the
“Do you need anything else from me?” I used to ask my boss this question, at the end of the day. Sometimes, I would ask this while standing in their
Years ago, MaxDis posted this classic, “Copy Editing, Who Gives a Shit?” I do. I give a shit. Your organization is professional. Your organization pays attention to detail. Your organization
“How did I do?” -I’m not going to talk about how you did. Let’s talk about what you’ll do next time. Feedback sucks. Positive or negative, it serves no purpose.
Use this story about perceptions and relevancy to think about the way you tell your team’s story inside the organization. I worked with a big staff section that had a
Y’all started a great discussion after our post about PAO positions at the brigade level. Lots of competing ideas, all coming from the right places. What’s the right answer? I
Fun staff activity: after a few months of training and deployment, my brigade staff leaders and I shared enough inside jokes and recurring observations to fill a few bingo cards.
The first time Dave B. and I drafted a Public Affairs strategy together, we included an outline of our organization’s “key” audiences: Students. Graduates. Potential recruits. Retirees. The American people.
First, refresh on our first and second installment: Move with a purpose. Aggressively have your shit in order. Don’t bitch about coffee, just buy it and make it. Never look
Respect their time: prepare to be brief with one clear message. Respect their intelligence. Assume they will understand complex things as long as you explain them properly. Respect their curiosity