I am an unapologetic fan of the Marvel movies. Remember the first one with Captain America? He became a jacked super soldier when a scientist injected him with a super
I am an unapologetic fan of the Marvel movies. Remember the first one with Captain America? He became a jacked super soldier when a scientist injected him with a super
Good news public affairs friends, PAOs are professional communication coaches. We coach our bosses and members of our organization to communicate effectively internally and externally. Often we are the ones
Fun staff activity: after a few months of training and deployment, my brigade staff leaders and I shared enough inside jokes and recurring observations to fill a few bingo cards.
It’s speech season 2019, kid. We’re looking ahead to another summer of farewells and changes of command. Review last year’s advice, and a couple additions for the new year: The
The other day, someone called me a liar behind my back. This in itself was a lie, or perhaps an ego-driven attempt to save face. Maybe it was something else.
Novels and movies love the build-up and payoff, right? It’s fun, and entertaining, to spend hours gathering all the pieces and then finally, surprisingly, find out how they fit together.
GoodmorningSir. I’manempoweredbadge-wearingmemberofyourorganization. I’mnowgoingtoreadyousomewordsfromapieceofpaper. ThisisabriefIwastoldtogivethismorning. ThisscriptwasreviewedseveraltimesbyvariousstaffleaderssoIamnotgoingtodeviatefromit. Blahblahblahblahblahblahblah. IonlywrotelikethirtyperentofthecontentI’mbriefingrightnow. Theyremovedsomeofthemostimportantinformationfrommyscriptbecauseweweren’tsureiftheG2hadseenthatinformationyet, oriftheyagreedwithmyassessment. Wedon’twantyoutoknowtwoprofessionalstaffelementscouldpotentiallyhavedifferentperspectivesonacomplicatedtopic. Blahblahblahblahblahblah. Thisscriptwasapproved24hoursagosomostoftheinformationisoutofdate. Blahblahblahblah. Areyoulistening? It’shardtotellbecauseIdon’twanttotakemyeyesofmyscript. Blahblah. MaybeI’llsneakonepeek. Itlookslikeyou’rejusttalkingtotheCommandSergeantMajoratthefronttablewhileI’mbriefing. Maybethat’sforthebest. NowIcanjustgetthroughthisfasterandhopefullyyouwon’thaveanyquestions. Mysupervisorsdidn’ttellmewhattodoifyouaskanyquestionsorwanttohaveadiscussion. Thatisn’tinmyscript. Thiscould’vebeenane-mail. Blahblahblah. Pendingyourquestions. (Photo by Pfc. Andrew Valenza,