Use this story about perceptions and relevancy to think about the way you tell your team’s story inside the organization. I worked with a big staff section that had a

Use this story about perceptions and relevancy to think about the way you tell your team’s story inside the organization. I worked with a big staff section that had a
Who’s that new person in the headquarters? That one fresh out of some school in Maryland. Usually in the JOC or with the commander. Always talks about Protecting America. Briefs
Y’all started a great discussion after our post about PAO positions at the brigade level. Lots of competing ideas, all coming from the right places. What’s the right answer? I
Here’s a hard truth: your fellow staff leaders aren’t sure the PAO can have a lasting impact. Maybe communication initiatives are too hard to coordinate, or maybe no one wants
Fun staff activity: after a few months of training and deployment, my brigade staff leaders and I shared enough inside jokes and recurring observations to fill a few bingo cards.
By Ace Castle In this third installment of how a Coast Guard pilot quickly integrated into the public affairs world, let’s cover confidence. Everyone knows pilots are awesome; fun; and really, really, really ridiculously
First, refresh on our first and second installment: Move with a purpose. Aggressively have your shit in order. Don’t bitch about coffee, just buy it and make it. Never look
No matter your position or section within the military: if you are dealing in the realm of legal things in an official capacity, your Staff Judge Advocate will be part
You know and love the Bucket of Responses: the mission-related things you’ll say when staff guys throw useless pleasantries your way. Having trouble filling up your bucket unprompted? Be ready
True information was leaked and damages your mission. Untrue information was leaked and damages your credibility, and your mission. You lose hours of the workweek on a simple supply purchase