I’m listening to the book How to Win Friends and Influence People. This is maybe my tenth time reading or listening to this book
I used to assign this book to new lieutenants in the Infantry and always to keep a copy on my bookshelf.
My ability to influence people in my organization directly affects my ability to do my job.
Remember what we do? We communicate, and advise our organization to communicate, so that our organization will have the necessary resources, support, and authority to do our mission: to protect America.
Dale Carnegie teaches us to smile. He advises readers to listen to people. He reminds us everyone is the hero of their own story and most people want to be good.
Sound gimmicky? Nah. This book is about being a better human.
If I have to swallow a grudge, lose an argument, hold back a comment or delete an angry email so I can better protect our country, I’m definitely going to.
Read the book. Our country will be safer because of it.
Photo by Senior Airman Kevin Tanenbaum